Sunday 14 February 2010


Bonjour Bloggers!
I have some news to tell you all.
Recently, I have been thinking on ways to improve the blog and have thought of a few ways.
As always, sorry for the lack of posts - I've been extremely busy with school and drama.
So, as my first improvement, I'm going to post more.
In addition to that, I'm going to start Outfit Posts, but not all the time.
The blog will be a mix of the latest trends, what I'm wearing, fashion related news and real life happenings, so it will be a variety for you to read, not just a blog based on one subject.
Also, I need some suggestions on what you want this blog to be like.
So, if you have the time, please could you fill out this short survey and post it in the comments.

1. Name some of your favourite blogs.
2. Why do you like them?
3. What would you like this blog to be like?
4. Any other suggestions.

Many thanks,
Katie x

P.S - In Memory Of Alexander McQueen.

1 comment:

  1. 1. My favourite blog is inevitably the bubble of all style's and I am also a big fan of Kawaii/ Lolita fashion blogs.
    2. Susie Bubble for originality, creativity and still maintaining a sense of sophistication AND fun...
    3. I really enjoy reading your blog... I dont have that many suggestions for it, you write beautifully...
    4. Other comments = Yes the beautiful H&M dress is still in stores if you want to get it :)
