Wednesday 13 January 2010

Help Haiti

As many of you have heard, there was a disastrous earthquake in the little island of Haiti.
As it is already a poor country, they don't have any funds for aid and to help clear up the mess of collapsed buildings.
It is presumed that between 50,000-100,000 people are trapped or have died with this disaster.
President Obama has spoken out and said that we need to help.

Imagine that your home had been destroyed and you lost everything you own.
Imagine that your family were trapped beneath the bricks of fallen buildings.
Imagine that you couldn't eat for days and days because there was no food being delivered.
Imagine being homeless.

Any donation, big or small, will make a massive difference on these peoples lives.
I just donated £10 of my Christmas money, and my mum gave the Red Cross £40.

Please help these people, because I could not imagine what they must be going through right now. We really don't know how lucky we are.


  1. Awwwwwww! What a lovely post! Thankyou so much for the lovely comment! Wu is amazing! I did print the pictures off of yes!
    Thanks for the link swap!
    Tomorrow x

  2. This is so tragic, so many innocent lives :( I really am thinking of all the families lost.

    Thank you for your kind words in my post xxx
    People can be so petty, we should think about encouraging fellow human beings not being negative.

  3. great idea to spread the word -im giving some money to a collection soon because its just so terrible for the people there - well done for donating, I'm sure you have really helped people on the other end
    thanks for following my blog;) xx joyus

  4. I can't believe someone clicked "boring". What an asshole...
