Friday 29 January 2010

Buzz Off!

Bonjour my faithful followers!
Long delay on posts as I found out recently something quite emotional about one of my friends who is in hospital at the moment.
So yeah, I am very sorry about the delay but for the next few months I'll try and post as much as possible.

Moving swiftly on, when I arrived home from school today my step-dad was watching the original 1958 version of 'The Fly'.
The bit of it that I watched was the man using the teleporter, and wow - that is a cool scene in the film. It looks like something in the future, with all the flashing lights etc.
I wish I could find pics of that scene, but this was the best I could do.


  1. Hey Katie,
    yes the contest is still on for a few more days! I haven't decided a deadline so email me when you get round to it!
    Lovely photographs!
    Tomorrow x

  2. Sweet post! I love old movies and this one's one of my favorites!


  3. cool post and send love to your friend- i hope she is okay xxxjoyus

  4. give my love to your friend!!! i love old films, have you seen thoroughly modern millie, with julie andrews??? i think you'd like it :)
